kruzovise2016-04-02 23:05:04
kruzovise, 2016-04-02 23:05:04

How to transfer data from google spreadsheets to mysql database?

How to transfer data from google spreadsheets to Mysql database, while the process should be carried out by pressing a button from the admin panel?
I would be grateful if you tell me where to dig, there is no such thing in the Google API.

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2 answer(s)
pcdesign, 2016-04-02

I have not tried it myself, but if there was a need, I would go this way:
1) Using the Google API, I simply downloaded this file:
2 ) Then I would open it with a module that works with Excel (or csv if the file consists of one sheet).
3) Parsed and threw into the database.
If the file format is always the same, then there will be no problems with "pressing a button" in the admin panel or running from cron.

Dimonchik, 2016-04-03

the first option is described by
the second: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/jdbc

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