Elbakidze2020-08-30 16:22:38
Elbakidze, 2020-08-30 16:22:38

How to transfer all posts to a WordPress site from another engine?

How to transfer all posts to a WordPress site from another engine ( https://board.unisitecms.ru/ )?

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-08-30

Much depends on the engine of the donor site.
Look for ready-made plugins. For example, for Joomla:
If there is no ready-made plugin for the engine, and most likely it will not be for Unisite CMS, then there are 4 options known to me:
1) If your engine allows you to export records, then export them to xls || csv. Next, install the plugin on the WP All Import VI and import the posts.
2) Writing a parser or using ready-made parsers. Well, everything is clear here... write your own parser, which collects data in xls || csv. Next, either using the above plugin or using the WP REST API, import the posts. If you need a ready-made parser - Visual Web Ripper, DataCol and others. Honestly, sometimes it's easier to write yourself ...
3) Adaptation of the database of the old site under the WP. I do not like this option, because I have to delve into the intricacies of the structure and operation of the database of the old site, etc.
4) Download the entire website in plain html. For example, using wget. Then, using the Html Import 2 plugin, import the entries to the site. It seems that the plugin is already outdated... Haven't used it for a long time...

Alex, 2020-08-30

  1. Exporting content from the old site, or
  2. Write or find a ready-made adapter that will convert files into a format suitable for WP
  3. Import to PV.
  4. You can do it all at once, you can use the api one record at a time

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