aPilot2016-02-27 18:04:12
aPilot, 2016-02-27 18:04:12

How to test script execution speed?

Maybe someone knows the most convenient way to test the speed of script execution.
Need to explore a couple of scripts without a website.

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3 answer(s)
RubaXa, 2016-02-27

- Раставить счетчики «руками» `new Date().getTime()`, `Date.now()` или `performance.now()`;
- console.time
- console.profile
- https://benchmarkjs.com/
- https://jsperf.com/ или https://jsbench.github.io/

Miku Hatsune, 2016-02-27

It seems that developer tools in browsers have such a feature.

Vlad Tytcky, 2016-02-27

The easiest way is to create a new date at the beginning of the script and then a new date at the end of the script. Subtract the first from the second and get the execution speed in milliseconds. https://yutex.ru/knowledgebase.html?article=85
Or you can use decorators for functions learn.javascript.ru/decorators

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