Kirill Djonua2016-04-04 16:13:56
Kirill Djonua, 2016-04-04 16:13:56

How to test action in yii2 console controller?

How can I test an action in a Yii2 console controller using codeception?
I included the Yii2 module in unit.suite.yml, it contains the path to the application config. I understand that after that the application is available in $this->app. But I can't do $this->app->runAction('controller-name/action-name'). I get the error
[yii\base\ErrorException] Undefined property: tests\codeception\console\path\ConsoleAppTest::$app
Can you tell me how to test console controllers using codeception?

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1 answer(s)
Igor Makarov, 2016-04-04


public function testMyConsoleController()
    $appConfig = [];
    $params = ['foo', 'bar'];
    $controller = new MyConsoleController('id', Yii::$app);
    $result = $controller->run('action', $params);

    $this->assertEquals(0, $result);

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