Cat Anton2018-05-08 00:32:53
Cat Anton, 2018-05-08 00:32:53

How to teach PhpStorm to understand that fields and methods are used dynamically?

If a variable, field or method in a class is used dynamically ( how is that? ), then PhpStorm will not be able to determine this in any way, as a result, for example, functions such as Find usages for a field in a class do not work.
Sample code snippet:


class Example {
    public $property1;
    public $property2;
    public $property3;

$obj = new Example();

// Случайным образом зададим значение
// в одном из трех полей (property1 / property2 / property3)
$name = 'property' . rand(1, 3);
$obj->{$name} = 'value';

If you then do Find usages for any of the properties of the Example class, then PhpStorm will not find anything.
Maybe there is some legal way, abstract or hack to teach him this?

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1 answer(s)
Cat Anton, 2018-05-08

Option 1 . List all properties in a @seecomment


class Example {
    public $property1;
    public $property2;
    public $property3;

$obj = new Example();

/** @see Example::property1 */
/** @see Example::property2 */
/** @see Example::property3 */
$name = 'property' . rand(1, 3);
$obj->{$name} = 'value';

Option 2 . Use a function that does nothing.

function ide_usage(...$args) {
    // Функция ничего не делает, используется для тех редких случаев,
    // когда нужно показать IDE, что тут неявно используется переменная, свойство или метод

class Example {
    public $property1;
    public $property2;
    public $property3;

$obj = new Example();

ide_usage($obj->property1, $obj->property2, $obj->property3);

$name = 'property' . rand(1, 3);
$obj->{$name} = 'value';

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