Sam Stay2016-10-11 13:15:23
Sam Stay, 2016-10-11 13:15:23

How to submit a ticket from Kayako without using the API?

Actually SABZH. How to send a ticket from Kayako without using the API, but using curl or wget?
At the moment things are as follows:
I can log in and create a ticket. But the problem is that a ticket is created in Kayako, but the message itself is not sent to the client.

wget --post-data "username=$login&password=$password&submitbutton=Login&remember=0&languagecode=en-us&_ca=login&_redirectAction=" --save-cookies $tmp_path/$cookie_file --keep-session-cookies $url_kayako_login --no-check-certificate

wget --post-data "newticketsubject=$subject&taginput_newticketto=$to&newticketfrom=10&newticketcontents=$message&newticketdepartmentid=14&newticketownerstaffid=21&newticketticketstatusid=1&newticketticketpriorityid=1&newtickettickettypeid=1" --load-cookies $tmp_path/$cookie_file $url_kayako_send

After that, I see this in Kayako: RlPy3hG.png
But the problem is that the letter is not sent to the end user. Moreover, if you send it simply from Kayako, then everything is fine and the ticket is visible in Kayako and it is sent to the user.

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