lllyx2019-01-10 01:54:31
lllyx, 2019-01-10 01:54:31

How to stop Instagram story using Console from GoogleDevTools?

Good evening, I'm interested in the question of how to stop the story on Instagram, preferably through the console
. Is it possible?
I know that you can stop it through the debugger with the F8 key, but I would like it through the command, thanks,
it seems to me that this script executes this code

the code
__d(function(g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
    "use strict";

    function n(n) {
        return n[2] >= Date.now() - a(d[1]).EXPIRY

    function t(n, t) {
        n.__meta.status = B, n[3] = (n[3] || 0) + 1, !n.__meta.retry && t >= 400 && t < 600 && R.push(n)

    function o(n, t, o, u) {
        var s = [n, t, o, 0];
        return s.__meta = {
            retry: !0 === u,
            pageID: i(d[2]),
            userID: a(d[3]).getID(),
            status: B
        }, s

    function u(n) {
        var t = Date.now() + n;
        return (!D || t < D) && (D = t, clearTimeout(b), b = setTimeout(U, n), !0)

    function s(n, o) {
        if (D = null, u(a(d[1]).BASIC_WAIT), i(d[5]).readyToSend()) {
            var s = [],
                c = [];
            if (R = f(s, c, !0, R), s.length <= 0) return i(d[5]).inform(a(d[6]).OK), void(n && n());
            s[0].trigger = N, N = null, s[0].send_method = 'ajax', i(d[5]).send(s, function() {
                c.forEach(function(n) {
                    n.__meta.status = z, n.__meta.callback && n.__meta.callback()
                }), n && n()
            }, function(n) {
                c.forEach(function(o) {
                    t(o, n)
                }), o && o()
        } else o && o()

    function c() {
        if (E.canUseNavigatorBeacon()) {
            var n = [],
                t = [];
            if (R = f(n, t, !1, R), !(n.length <= 0)) {
                if (!i(d[5]).sendWithBeacon(n)) {
                    var u;
                    t.forEach(function(n) {
                    }), R.push(o(T, (u = {}, u[y] = [1], u), Date.now()))

    function f(t, o, u, s) {
        var c = {};
        return s.filter(function(s) {
            var f = s.__meta;
            if (f.status >= z || !n(s)) return !1;
            if (f.status >= w) return !0;
            var l = f.pageID + f.userID,
                _ = c[l];
            return _ || (_ = {
                user: f.userID,
                page_id: f.pageID,
                posts: []
            }, c[l] = _, t.push(_)), f.status = w, _.posts.push(s), o.push(s), u && f.retry

    function l() {
        return A || (A = !0, k = i(d[7]).getLocalStorage()), k

    function _() {
        I || (I = O ? {
            store: function() {},
            restore: function() {}
        } : {
            store: function() {
                var n = l();
                if (n && !(R.length <= 0)) {
                    var t = R.map(function(n) {
                        return [n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3] || 0, n.__meta]
                    R = [], n.setItem(S + i(d[2]) + '.' + Date.now(), JSON.stringify(t))
            restore: function() {
                var t = l();
                t && new(i(d[8]))('banzai').lock(function(o) {
                    for (var u = [], s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
                        var c = t.key(s);
                        0 === c.indexOf(S) && 0 !== c.indexOf('bz:__') && u.push(c)
                    u.forEach(function(o) {
                        var u = t.getItem(o);
                        if (t.removeItem(o), u) {
                            JSON.parse(u, m.id).forEach(function(t) {
                                if (t) {
                                    var o = t.__meta = t.pop();
                                    if (n(t)) {
                                        var u = a(d[3]).getID();
                                        o.userID !== u && '0' !== u || (o.status = B, R.push(t))
                    }), o.unlock()

    function v(n) {
        i(d[5]).inform(a(d[6]).STORE), _(), I.store()

    function p(n) {
        _(), I.restore(), i(d[5]).inform(a(d[6]).RESTORE), u(a(d[1]).RESTORE_WAIT)

    function h() {
        i(d[11]).unload(E.post), i(d[5]).cleanup(), i(d[5]).inform(a(d[6]).SHUTDOWN), R.length > 0 && c(), i(d[5]).inform(a(d[6]).STORE), _(), I.store()
    Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', {
        value: !0
    var b, D, I, k, E = {},
        O = i(d[0])(),
        S = 'bz:',
        T = 'ods:banzai',
        y = 'send_via_beacon_failure',
        B = 0,
        w = 1,
        z = 2,
        R = [],
        N = null,
        U = i(d[4]).guard(function() {
            s(null, null)
        }, 'Banzai.send', {
            isContinuation: !1
        A = !1;
    E.isEnabled = function(n) {
        return a(d[1]).gks && a(d[1]).gks[n]
    }, E.post = function(n, s, c) {
        n || i(d[9])('Banzai.post called without specifying a route');
        var f = (c = c || {}).retry;
        if (!a(d[1]).disabled && r(d[10]).canUseDOM && !a(d[1]).blacklist.has(n)) {
            var l = o(n, s, Date.now(), f);
            c.callback && (l.__meta.callback = c.callback);
            var _ = c.delay;
            if (null == _ && (_ = a(d[1]).BASIC_WAIT), c.signal) {
                l.__meta.status = w;
                var v = [{
                    user: a(d[3]).getID(),
                    page_id: i(d[2]),
                    posts: [l],
                    trigger: n
                if (i(d[5]).send(v, function() {
                        l.__meta.status = z, l.__meta.callback && l.__meta.callback()
                    }, function(n) {
                        t(l, n)
                    }, !0), !f) return
            R.push(l), !u(_) && N || (N = n)
    }, E.flush = function(n, t) {
        clearTimeout(b), b = 0, s(n, t)
    }, E.subscribe = i(d[5]).subscribe, E.canUseNavigatorBeacon = function() {
        return navigator && navigator.sendBeacon
    }, E._schedule = u, (E._initialize = function() {
        r(d[10]).canUseDOM && (i(d[5]).setHooks(function(n) {
            c(), v()
        }, p), i(d[5]).setUnloadHook(h))
    })(), E._clearBuffer = function() {
        R = []
    }, E._clearStorage = function() {
        I = void 0, k = void 0, A = !1
    var W = E;
    e.default = W
}, 5898372, [917563, 917509, 3932239, 917564, 131174, 917565, 5898373, 5898267, 917566, 5898348, 131177, 917567]);

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