ligisayan2015-06-18 23:34:01
ligisayan, 2015-06-18 23:34:01

How to start this damn carousel?

Hello! In an online store, goods must be placed in the basket and displayed in the carousel. I found how to add goods from the cart to the slider, but how to make it rotate after reinitialization is a mystery .. In the code for spinners it shows display: none; - means the slider does not want to be rotated. I made such a conclusion, because. by analogy, if an empty div is removed from the contents of owl-carousel, then the carousel generally tries to hide out of sight - it hides in display: none and opacity: 0; Maybe there are smart people who can help me in this matter - I will be very grateful!

  items: 3,
  navigation: true,
  navigationText: ["", ""],

$(".add_to_cart_button").click(function() {
  $("#foot-carousel div:contains('Корзина пуста.')").remove();

  $('#foot-carousel').data('owlCarousel').addItem('<div>' + $('.cart_list li:last').html() + '</div>');

<div class="widget_shopping_cart_content">
  <ul class="cart_list product_list_widget ">
    <!-- сюда выводятся товары помещаемые в корзину -->
<div id="foot-carousel" class="owl-carousel">
    <!-- здесь формируется карусель -->

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2 answer(s)
lfoma, 2015-06-19

You need to add slides via the built-in method:
I haven't used this slider myself, but I advise you to always read the manuals, most likely you will find the answer there.

Ivan, 2015-06-19

I already told you last time - see examples on the developer's website. Everything is there - open the code editor and see how it's done.

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