Ilya Daranov2016-12-25 02:43:51
IT education
Ilya Daranov, 2016-12-25 02:43:51

How to start the first step into the abyss of programming?

Good afternoon. Tonight I was again looking through the lists of universities and specialties in them. The understanding came that a profession should be chosen with a look into the future. I was already expelled from the 3rd year from the Faculty of Economics (due to the withdrawal of accreditation) finances did not allow me to transfer to another university. I decided that I would start working. He was also a cook and sold investments (shares) by phone. Now I'm handing out leaflets near Novokuznetsk (I'm 23). This is just the situation motivates for a conscious choice of profession. I came to the conclusion that development is behind IT technologies, now everything is the Internet, I myself have been a victim of social networks for three days already deleted my account to feel how dependent I am. And what is IT, coding, junior, web, I can’t even imagine. As well as passing the exam in mathematics at least 96 in order to enter the budget (there was a troika at school). Interested in such a verb as "programming". I came across this site by accident, read the entire article with all the commentshttps://habrahabr.ru/company/ua-hosting/blog/272617/ Enthusiasm is over the top, I want to start. Half started without education. But I didn’t find an answer in the comments, only scraps of what you need to know Java, C ++, HTML / CSS, but where to start? What is all this and how to create your own Google, but rather, how to gain an understanding in this area that you are moving all the same and are not moving to a dead end? How to start the first step into the abyss of programming. How to make it and where to put your foot? Perhaps someone will take the Padawan under their supervision. I will be glad to meet new people [email protected]

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7 answer(s)
BonBon Slick, 2016-12-25

Everything is very simple, here is the map. 1422189305_923773870.png
In addition, books, articles, algorithms, practice and more practice. Chose a tool, started a personal project. Will do as a portfolio. There you can already go and get a job with him, and there, people, ideas and off we go.

15432, 2016-12-25

A programming language is just a tool that allows you to tell the computer what you want from it. I find it most important to understand how the program code is executed - what happens if you write "this", what should not be written and why. We were taught how a computer works (working with memory, Von Neumann concepts, a Turing machine, etc.), how compilers work (and how to write your own simple compiler), assembly code execution (by learning and writing programs for a simple pseudo -machines), the basics of algorithms (after all, in order to design software, you need to create an algorithm for the program, how it will work, step by step) ... It is important to study standard approaches that have been tested by time (the problem of the sleeping hairdresser, dining philosophers, etc.) .
In parallel, they loaded tons of various mathematics (rarely comes in handy).

idin, 2016-12-25

Fuck institutions, learn the language in which juniors are most expected in your city and go there, and ask until they take it at least for free, but so that they take it, and learn, learn, learn, analyze examples, and English, matan is useful to you only if the whole company is on it will move, and so most of the time you need not be stupid ***, and you will desperately need English)) and I want to upset you that everything will work out, it all depends on how stubborn you are

asd111, 2016-12-25

Google was created by guys who graduated from either Stanford or Cambridge, in other words, very smart guys.
In my opinion, it makes sense for you to look at php, sql, html, css, javascript. And if it seems difficult, then you can try system administration courses or 1C courses (available in Baumanka). If courses sys. administration or 1C seem difficult, then you can try to learn to be a machine operator with program control. If this seems difficult, then you can try to get a cell phone salesman or a similar job as a salesman where you don’t need experience, but pay normally.

BBmike, 2016-12-25

Author, learn to use Google.
This will be your first step into the abyss of programming.

Maxim Moseychuk, 2016-12-25

Interested in such a verb as "programming"

Start by learning the definition of the verb.
Well, really, what programming language do you need to learn, even if you can’t learn your native one.

Neznayka xD, 2017-01-13

" Program = algorithms + data structures " is an expression by Niklaus Wirth.
In other words, the key immediate tasks of programming are the creation and use of algorithms and data structures.
Programming is the rigor of reasoning and transformations (Logic).
From the above, it becomes clear that you should start with the study of Algorithms!
But in order to study algorithms and their practical application, you need a tool to work with them, a language - PL (programming language).
Programming languages ​​are often classified by level ...
(for more details, see here: bourabai.ru/alg/a13.htm ) It
is desirable to choose the first PL for learning - functional!
Why functional? Because the functional language does not contain "nothing superfluous" and thus will help
to master the essence of algorithms and develop appropriate thinking, i.e. teaches you to think logically.
Summing up the above, it is better for beginner programmers to start by learning one of the functional languages ​​- Haskell or Scala, Lisp ...
And after that you can switch to C (C), which will help you understand many other very important details ...
And having already mastered
If you are interested in Web programming, you should master:
Yes, and it is also desirable (mandatory) to master English and simultaneously master discrete mathematics.
All computer science is, in fact, discrete mathematics. Brains puts great.
If you have any doubts about this, I advise you to see here:

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