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How to solve VK bot error?
When running the code below, it gives an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\", line 97, in
write_msg(event.user_id, "I didn't understand your answer. ..")
TypeError: write_msg() missing 1 required positional argument: 'keyboard'
Here is the code:
import vk_api
import json
from vk_api.longpoll import VkLongPoll, VkEventType
def write_msg(peer_id, message, keyboard):
keyboard = {
"one_time": False,
"buttons": [
"action": {
"type": "location",
"payload": "{\"button\": \"1\"}"
"action": {
"type": "open_app",
"app_id": 6979558,
"owner_id": -181108510,
"hash": "sendKeyboard",
"label": "Отправить клавиатуру"
"action": {
"type": "vkpay",
"hash": "action=transfer-to-group&group_id=181108510&aid=10"
"action": {
"type": "text",
"payload": "{\"button\": \"1\"}",
"label": "Negative"
"color": "negative"
"action": {
"type": "text",
"payload": "{\"button\": \"2\"}",
"label": "Positive"
"color": "positive"
"action": {
"type": "text",
"payload": "{\"button\": \"2\"}",
"label": "Primary"
"color": "primary"
"action": {
"type": "text",
"payload": "{\"button\": \"2\"}",
"label": "Secondary"
"color": "secondary"
keyboard = json.dumps(keyboard)
vk.method("messages.send", {"peer_id": peer_id, "message": message, "random_id": 0, "keyboard":keyboard})
request = event.text.lower()
# API-ключ созданный ранее
token = "secret_token"
# Авторизуемся как сообщество
vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=token)
# Работа с сообщениями
longpoll = VkLongPoll(vk)
# Основной цикл
for event in longpoll.listen():
# Если пришло новое сообщение
if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW:
# Если оно имеет метку для меня( то есть бота)
if event.to_me:
# Сообщение от пользователя
request = event.text
# Каменная логика ответа
if request == "Stsrt":
write_msg(event.user_id, "Хай")
elif request == "пока":
write_msg(event.user_id, "Пока((")
write_msg(event.user_id, "Не поняла вашего ответа...")
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