Yurrri2021-08-01 12:11:08
Game development
Yurrri, 2021-08-01 12:11:08

How to solve Unity Packpage Manager Error?

Hello! When starting a project on Unity, it gives an error Unity Package Manager Error. I searched on the internet but didn't find a solution. Here is the full text of the error: Unity Package Manager Error
Failli Failed to resolve packages: Failed to add editor bundled package [C:\Program Files\Unity 2021.1.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\Editor\com.unity.2d.animation -6.0.4.tgz] to the package cache: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir 'C: Users\"User name here" AppData Local\Unity cache'. No packages loaded.
A re import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of
C:/Games/Unity2DProject/Packages/manifest. json file.
Click on Retry to relaunch Unity and reopen your project.
Click on Continue to launch Unity, Some or all packages may not be imported which may cause compilation errors.
I saw somewhere that this is a version incompatibility and that Unity needs to be updated, but I'm already on the latest version. Maybe it needs to be reinstalled?

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