TheRaccer2021-01-01 15:32:04
TheRaccer, 2021-01-01 15:32:04

How to solve the problem with multiprocessing (Windows)?

Dealing with multiprocessing, I ran into such a problem.

def start():

@bp.on.chat_message(text=["дуэль <member>", "дуэль"])
async def shot_handler(message: Message, member = None):
  if member is None:
    await message.answer("Укажите вашего соперника через @...")
      players.append([message._mention.id, message.from_id])
      if __name__ == '__main__':
        multiprocessing.Process(target = start, name = f"{message._mention.id}").start()
      await message.answer("Возможно вы допустили ошибку")

This code was written for the VK bot on the vkbottle module, for clarification, the bot is fully functional.
To implement a certain game in a bot, I decided to use multiprocessing. I am creating a process and also created a function for a test. The code should create a process after certain messages, but it doesn't throw any errors and nothing just happens.
Help deal with this problem.

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1 answer(s)
Dr. Bacon, 2021-01-01

You have async here, inside it it is customary to run all tasks asynchronously, and if it is a blocking task, then through run_in_executor there you can already select a process or thread as an executor

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