deadyshk2015-06-22 14:30:04
deadyshk, 2015-06-22 14:30:04

How to solve problems of critical bugs on the project?

Hello. Not so long ago, let's say in one "interview", I was asked the following question.
"There is a so-called "Saturday morning bug" scenario. Let's say there is a small project consisting of several developers and QA, and you play the role of Team Leader on the project. On Friday you had a release, and on Saturday a new build in production, they started testing QA and found a very critical bug. And then you came to work on Monday and found out that after the release, you found a critical bug in production. What to do with this bug is up to you, only the customer is "over you."
How does a developer in the role of Team Leader need to act in this situation?

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5 answer(s)
Vov Vov, 2015-06-24

I'm Team-Leader - we often have updates on Fridays :))) It's a joke. Let's accept as a condition that this has already happened and that it was impossible to work ahead of time. It's just the situation in front of you, ok. Let's understand that a critical bug is a bug that blocks key functionality, i.e. N-users cannot do their daily work every second or N-customers have not paid the company money. This is so free introductory to make it scarier. What decisions can we make in this situation? There are only two of them: make a rollback or fix a bug. I decide on a rollback, if there is a critical bug in the milestone version - this means that the entire version must be thrown into the trash - it is not the only one there, if the version is so-so, then fix it if it happens within 1-2 hours, if not, then rollback.

Oleg Gamega, 2015-06-22

I'm not a Team Leader, but it seems to me a trick question, as an answer, I would not release a build until it was tested by QA

Ranwise, 2015-06-22

I'm not a Team Leader, but after discovering a bug, you need to look at how critical it
is - loss of finances / private information,
but solutions:
- is this bug in the previous version, if not, how difficult is it to roll back the version and deal with the solution
- estimates of time / costs for eliminate

Tim, 2015-06-23

If I were in this situation. I would warn the customer, fix the bug, run the full test again and update the prod.

Dmitry, 2015-07-12

in practice, a rollback is made to the latest working version, in parallel, the team tries to understand and fix the bug in order to fix the problem.

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