Pavel2019-09-17 12:00:28
Image processing
Pavel, 2019-09-17 12:00:28

How to smartly resize a photo for different screen resolutions and proportions (desktop, smartphone)?

Original photo size: max 1600x500 If the photo is larger, then I cropping and resizing to
1600x500 using the Intervention Image library image.intervention.io/api/fit
etc ).
In addition to the desktop version, there is an adaptive version for mobile devices. And of course, in the adaptive, the image scales incomprehensibly, and the visitor sees an incomprehensible piece in the header.
How would you solve the problem of adapting photos to different devices and proportions? Can this be done automatically?

So far, the only option that came to my mind is when we upload 2 photos: for the desktop and the version cropped by a person for mobile.
How it looks on devices:

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2 answer(s)
WapSter, 2019-09-17

  <source media="(max-width: 799px)" srcset="elva-480w-close-portrait.jpg">
  <source media="(min-width: 800px)" srcset="elva-800w.jpg">
  <img src="elva-800w.jpg" alt="Chris standing up holding his daughter Elva">

the browser does not load unnecessary images. This is the most correct and fastest option.

Anton Usachov, 2019-09-17

You've come up with exactly the right idea.
In general, in each situation, you need to build on what should be the result. If we are talking about the visual component, then you need to look at it, adjust it, etc.
Automatically, you can only set object-fitand object-position, but with these parameters and sizes (width, height) of the image, you can then "play" through media queries, adjusting to the desired option.

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