Alexander Osherov2019-12-15 01:01:14
C++ / C#
Alexander Osherov, 2019-12-15 01:01:14

How to setup correct SkinnedMeshRenderer in Unity 3d?

There are several prefabs based on them (using them as bones) create a Skinned object (cylinder)
now I do this (each prefab has the name Cell + number)

SkinnedMeshRenderer NewRenderer = GameObject.Find("Cylinder").GetComponent(typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer)) as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
        Transform[] MyBones = new Transform[col];

        for (int i = 1; i < col; i++)
            MyBones[i] = GameObject.Find("Cell" + (i).ToString()).transform;

        NewRenderer.bones = MyBones;
        NewRenderer.rootBone = GameObject.Find("Cell0").transform;

but as a result only the effect around the rootBone is visible

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