argenit2015-01-03 11:52:34
Electronic commerce
argenit, 2015-01-03 11:52:34

How to set up plugin for Woocommerce on Wordpress?

There is such a problem with setting up a plugin for Woocommerce that displays different currencies. Installed WooCommerce Currency Switcher, turned it on and got a couple of problems.
So. It turns out that the main currency there is the US dollar.
This is how the basket for the dollar looks like
. And in the end, everything is correctly calculated, the delivery is also 1.5 bucks
. And now we just switch to EURO. The page has been updated and now the cart is correct.
But now the delivery has suddenly grown many times, although it costs $ 1.5
The same thing, if, for example, we switch to Ukr. hryvnia or ruble
d06008cc03ce468b86d8c1316b01027a.pngAND delivery
I understand that this is a plugin bug. Here I found a crutch, which should help with something, but it did not help anything.

add_action('woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', 'fix_currency_conversion');
function fix_currency_conversion($cart_object){
            global $WOOCS;
            $cur_currency = $WOOCS->current_currency;
            $currencies = $WOOCS->get_currencies();
            $conversion_rate = $currencies[$WOOCS->current_currency]['rate'];
            if($cur_currency == 'USD'){
                foreach ( $cart_object->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
                    $cart_item['data']->price = $cart_item['data']->price / $conversion_rate;

Can you tell me other adequate plugins or how to insert crutches here at least.
In short, who can

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1 answer(s)
Develm, 2015-01-03

Uninstall wordpress, set normal Cms

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