AkPeter2014-02-23 11:45:22
AkPeter, 2014-02-23 11:45:22

How to set up a server on DidgitalOcean under Web2py?

Good day everyone!
I'm stuck with the task of transferring the site to DO, in particular, I can't set up the server correctly. encountered this for the first time. The autosim.ru site itself is not advertising, and what kind of advertising is there, the project is not commercial ...
What I did:
1. Installed Ubuntu 12.04
2. Installed the assembly https://web2py.googlecode.com/hg/scripts/setup-web ... after which web2py itself started
. What doesn't work:
1. I can't enter the w2p administrative section, swears at the lack of an ssl certificate, which actually cannot be installed.
2. Apparently due to ssl, or rather, clumsiness, it is not possible to set up an ftp server (it is necessary for the convenience of colleagues)
To whom to turn for help in this matter, because. for the first time, setting up the server in this way is quite scary.

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2 answer(s)
DuD, 2014-02-24

In /etc/nginx/ssl/ you should have 2 files web2py.crt and web2py.key
Check if they are there. If not, then you can generate them like this .

AkPeter, 2014-02-24

Yes, thanks for the advice, just started a couple of hours ago. Now a colleague is looking for a problem in the site code, because now it doesn't want to start... But in general, the first task is solved!

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