Grigory Markov2018-05-30 15:47:37
Grigory Markov, 2018-05-30 15:47:37

How to set up a proxy server with Tor?

Is it necessary to create a proxy server, upon connection to which any browser will go to onion?
My ideal vision is this: there is a remote server that has a proxy server configured that allows all traffic through tor. The user sets a system proxy on windows, connects to our server and any of his browsers opens onion. Ideally, to connect to a server, use something simple, such as shadowsocks. Guess who's the fagot?

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2 answer(s)
Anton Kiselyov, 2018-05-31

I once downloaded from here https://zennolab.com/discussion/threads/tor-proxy-...
But kmk, not from the first page (there seems to be broken links), so scroll through the topic from the end and look for a working vbs script.
PS if you don’t find it, write in a personal, I’ll throw off the archive.

Ruslan Fedoseev, 2018-05-30

ask the same question to google
hire an admin

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