Sergey2017-01-31 18:34:32
Sergey, 2017-01-31 18:34:32

How to set links to a resource, depending on the context?

The bottom line is this, there is a site with 3 languages, the translation was made through Babel.
I want to use links in different language versions, tell me how it's done.
Like if in ru - then write
If in en - then write
And if in kz - then write I
tried this construction

But it seems like there is no else if construct in modx to enable 3rd language
Also tried via babelTranslation

Inserts the address of the specified resource into the Russian version, not in other versions.

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2 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-01-31

Explore the features of the Fenom template engine

Dmitry Khristoev, 2017-01-31


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