GuitarrFan2014-11-04 15:47:40
Remote access
GuitarrFan, 2014-11-04 15:47:40

How to set a static ID in TeamViewer?

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to somehow set a specific ID and password for TeamViewerQS?
The password can be set using your assembly https://www.teamviewer.com/ru/download/customdesig...
But what about the ID?

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2 answer(s)
microphone, 2014-11-04

On the teamviewer on the site, you need to create an account and add the id that you need to the list of computers, the id for one computer within the OS is static, at least until the OS is reinstalled. A static password can be set in opium, ask Google how to do it. In the same options, you can remove the dynamic password so that users do not use the service without asking.

oia, 2014-11-04

in fact, the client's id will be almost constant for 2 years of use, there was a change to 10 computers with more than 200 pcs

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