Khurshed Abdujalil2017-11-03 16:14:42
Email Marketing
Khurshed Abdujalil, 2017-11-03 16:14:42

How to set a preheader in a mailing list?

How to set a preheader when mailing? I found an example https://infomarketing.su/email-marketing/preheader/ for an invisible preheader, but when I do it, after the preheader, the text of the letter is also displayed ... How to do it right?

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Dubrovin, 2017-11-03

The display of the snippet depends on the mail server, in most cases it is just the beginning of the letter. If you need to add a snippet that will not be visible in the letter itself - add it invisible, for example, as invisible, with a zero-size font or background color.

Kristina Golovashin, 2021-02-12

You can use 2 methods to choose from:
1. Inserting a preheader (cell) before the very first cell in the table:

<td style="display:none !important; visibility:hidden; mso-hide:all; font-size:1px; color:#ffffff; line-height:1px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden;"> Это текст прехедера. </td>

The downside of this method is that it is impossible to control the hit of the next text after the preheader that goes in the letter. Thus, after the preheader, the text from the first block of the letter will be pulled up, usually this is information in the header (company name / phone number / etc.)
2. Inserting a preheader (table) at the very beginning of the main table:
<div style="display: none; max-height: 0px; overflow: hidden;">Это текст прехедера</div>
<div style="display: none; max-height: 0px; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;&zwnj;&nbsp;</div>

Symbols &nbsp;&zwnj;- create a non-breaking space that will go immediately after the preheader, thus excluding extraneous text from the letter. So that after the topic there is no text at all - you need to delete the first block in the code, leave only the second one with spaces.
The disadvantage of this method is that it increases the weight of the letter, so before sending it is necessary to check that the letter is no more than 100 Kb.

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