danis_20142017-01-28 18:56:13
danis_2014, 2017-01-28 18:56:13

How to send Request Payload via Requests library?

It is necessary to automate the receipt of referral links from the site . When receiving a link manually, the browser sends a post request with the Payload part: aa63ce0604df4b4e879cd794ffa6fdd9
I am also trying to make such a request:

def getUrl(login, password, link):
    with requests.Session() as session:
        data = dict(username=login, password=password, remember=1, check_ip=0)
        url = session.get('https://epn.bz')
        login = session.post('https://epn.bz/ru/auth/login', data=data, cookies=url.cookies)
        cabinet = session.get('https://epn.bz/ru/cabinet/', cookies=login.cookies)
        payload = {'all_banners': False,
                   'attract_to_cashback': False,
                   'cookie_time': "30days",
                   'desc': 'programme',
                   'expiration_time': '',
                   'format': '1',
                   'image': '',
                   'isAllow': 0,
                   'lang': 'ru',
                   'link': link,
                   'no_affiliate_direct': True,
                   'offer_type': 'ali',
                   'rejectChange': False,
                   'selected_banners': [],
                   'size': None}
        create = session.post('https://epn.bz/ru/creative/create', data=payload, cookies=cabinet.cookies)

But in the response we get: {"success":0,"message":"not_aliexpress"}
However, the link to the Ali site is transmitted exactly the same as when sending the request manually through the browser.
Am I passing the Payload part correctly?

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2 answer(s)
Artyom Innokentiev, 2017-01-29

Read and look in the browser Request Headers . Most likely you need to fake HTTP_REFERER.

danis_2014, 2017-01-29

The problem turned out to be in the transmitted headers and in the json format of the payload part, everything is resolved

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