Bonce2019-08-21 22:12:19
Bonce, 2019-08-21 22:12:19

How to send a request to an application deployed on a remote virtual server?

Good afternoon!
There is a virtual machine hosted with CentOS. Deployed a spring boot application there. I know the IP address of the virtual machine in the external network. I send a request to an endpoint like http://:8082/{resource} . There is no connection to the server, no response. Logs on the server do not show any connection attempt. Tell me what could be the problem.

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1 answer(s)
SlavikF, 2019-08-21


Did you mean http://$HOSTNAME:8082/{resource} ?
I am not familiar with Spring Boot, but here are typical reasons why the request may not come:
- firewall
- the application listens only on localhost, but not on the external IP,
try curl -i http://localhost:8082/{resource} on the VPS itself

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