Ratinho2017-01-30 18:15:06
Ratinho, 2017-01-30 18:15:06

How to schedule a bug fix in jira?

I am engaged in release development on the waterfall. For each revision, we plan the time for each subtask (TK, FT, Development, UD, UAT, ...), but we cannot schedule bug fixing, since the time is charged to the bugs themselves (which is logical), but bugs then no initially :-).
So far, there are two solutions:
1st. Start a separate subtask "Bug fixing" and write off time for it, and not for bugs (then there will be no detailing on bugs, but is it needed).
2nd. Create a separate "Bug fixing" subtask and link errors to this subtask. And when the time is written off for errors, it will automatically subtract the time from the scheduled time in the subtask (but this method with subtracting time from the subtask seems somehow collective farm).
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1 answer(s)
PVysotsky, 2017-03-07

Option 1 is true.
I do this:
* task for testing. time from the budget for testing. result - bugs in Fat
* bugs. time from the budget for bug fixes / development / stabilization, as you all think there. result - fixed bugs

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