Artem Shchurin2016-09-07 17:08:38
Artem Shchurin, 2016-09-07 17:08:38

How to save information when transitioning between ui-router states?

Good afternoon!
How to store information between pages when going forward back?
Angular 1.5 + ui-router
Router code

function routerConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
      .state('home', {
        url: '/',
        templateUrl: 'app/main/main.html',
        controller: 'MainController',
        controllerAs: 'main'
      .state('result', {
        url: '/result',
        templateUrl: 'app/result/result.html',
        controller: 'ResultController',
        controllerAs: 'result',
        params: {
          searchResult: null
      .state('page', {
        url: '/page',
        templateUrl: 'app/page/page.html',
        controller: 'PageController',
        controllerAs: 'page'

On the home page I load the data and using $state.go() I transfer the data to the result page, there is a table, in the table when I click on the link I get to the page page, but if I go back I get an empty table
How to store history?

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Zolotykh, 2016-09-07

Use factories/services for data.

napa3um, 2016-09-07

https://github.com /angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/url-r...

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