alexdora2016-06-13 14:13:42
alexdora, 2016-06-13 14:13:42

How to run a Node.js WebSockets script under different proxies?

I understand how to fully configure the entire Node.js so that it comes under Proxy. Is it possible somehow to assign a separate Proxy server to each copy of the running script and so that it goes through it?
ADD: There is a js script written in Nodejs + https://github.com/websockets/ws . The task is to run a copy of the script, but so that the connection is through a third-party specified proxy, available technologies on the HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS4,5 proxy

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1 answer(s)
Yuri Puzynya, 2016-06-16

We take out the proxy address into a variable, then, if desired, we calculate this variable depending on the environment or on the parameters passed

var proxyAddress = process.env.PROXY_ADDRESS;

// node app.js --proxy_address='...'
var proxyAddress = process.argv[2].split('=')[1];

Accordingly, we either fork the process with the necessary arguments, or with the necessary environment:
child_process.fork('app.js', '--proxy_address=...');

child_process.fork('app.js', {
    env: {
        PROXY_ADDRESS: '...'

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