twwebrus2018-08-04 16:50:54
twwebrus, 2018-08-04 16:50:54

How to revive the keyboard on a Lenovo laptop?

Good day.
Today I installed Win 10 Pro on a Lenovo IdeaPad 520 laptop. Everything would be fine, but after updating the BIOS, the keyboard "almost" stopped showing signs of life when the axis was running. In the BIOS, everything works like clockwork, when the system is loaded, only the F11, F12 keys work. I tried to install the driver version from the official site, but apparently I have a newer version and I can’t roll back to the old one. Please tell me how to solve this problem?

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1 answer(s)
HappyLaptop, 2018-08-13

You can roll back the driver as follows (well, or install any other one):
go to the device manager, in the "keyboards" section, double-click open the properties of your keyboard ----> driver tab ----> update ----> search on this computer ----> select a driver from the list of already installed drivers ---> select from the list, or if there is a keyboard driver (which is amazing!) Run the installation, like on lenovo, as far as I remember, it is unpacked on the C: / DRIVERS disk and specify the .Inf file.
Also try to install the drivers for the chipset and touchpad from the site. There may be driver conflicts. If the keyboard works in the BIOS, then in theory there are no hardware problems and the BIOS was updated correctly, the problem is with the software. Reinstall the system to the extreme

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