Evgeny Kramor2018-04-13 15:45:23
Evgeny Kramor, 2018-04-13 15:45:23

How to return $_GET in ajax/php?

Good afternoon friends. I probably didn't phrase my question correctly, but here's what I meant.
There is a form with which the user submits a title and description to the server. After sending, the user receives a message about successful sending.
Let's take the page from which the form is sent:
After submitting, it should have something like:

As after submitting the form, dynamically return the page with the article and its meta tags? Which way to look?
There are no ideas about this. Thanks in advance!

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Bay, 2018-04-13

redirect to the server
redirect to the client (you need to send the required url to the client)

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