DarkByte20152018-09-14 11:43:11
DarkByte2015, 2018-09-14 11:43:11

How to restore assets?

Somewhere all the assets from the web/assets folder (statics) have disappeared, and now everything on the page is moving and is not displayed as it should. How to restore them? composer update did. I even deleted vendor and composer.lock and still the assets were not restored.

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2 answer(s)
DarkByte2015, 2018-09-14

A simple cache reset helped. For some reason, I didn't even think that this could be the case ...

Maxim Timofeev, 2018-09-14


is created automatically, if not, there are many reasons, but most likely there is no write access to this folder
why? Assets is populated when accessing the assetsManager

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