Maxim2018-09-20 01:10:41
Maxim, 2018-09-20 01:10:41

How to apply a method from a model in Active Query?

Good night all!
A very long time ago I asked a question on a similar topic: Active Query how to apply a function from a model? , but did not decide this moment for himself. It seems that the answers are correct, but I asked the question incorrectly, so I did not receive a proper answer. Now I'm asking it again.

$certifications = Certification::find()
            ->joinWith(['user', 'profile'])
            ->andWhere([User::tableName().'.status' => User::STATUS_ACTIVE])
            ->andWhere('CONCAT_WS(" ", '.Profile::tableName().'.last_name, '.Profile::tableName().'.name, '.Profile::tableName().'.middle_name) LIKE :search')
            ->params([':search' => '%' . $search . '%'])
            ->orderBy([Profile::tableName().'.last_name' => 'SORT_ASC', Profile::tableName().'.name' => 'SORT_ASC'])
            ->isValid() //?? метод из модели CertificationQuery

Active Query Model (CertificationQuery)
public function isValid()
        $this->andWhere(['<=',  'date_from',  'здесь рассчитываемая из модели обратная дата (getReverseEndDate())']);

Certification method and models to apply
     * Получаем обратную дату окончания действия категории
     * @return string
    public function getReverseEndDate(): string
        $date = date_create($this->date_from); //подготавливаем дату для рассчёта срока
        $date = date_modify($date, '-'.$this->category->duration_months.'month'); //Вычитаем дату от текущей
        return Yii::$app->formatter->asTimestamp($date);

  1. How can I apply a method getReverseEndDate()from a model in Active Query?
  2. Please correct me if I'm miscalculating the date. I need to add months.

I draw your attention to the fact that the method is in the model with which we make the request. Thanks to!

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2 answer(s)
Maxim Kozhin, 2018-09-20

I would add an additional link to the model by a valid date:

class Certification extends ActiveRecord...

* Получаем обратную дату окончания действия категории
* @return string
public function getReverseEndDate(): string
    $date = date_create($this->date_from); //подготавливаем дату для рассчёта срока
    $date = date_modify($date, '-'.$this->category->duration_months.'month'); //Вычитаем дату от текущей
    return Yii::$app->formatter->asTimestamp($date);

public function getValidCategory()
    return $this->hasOne(Category::className(), ['id' => 'category_id'])
        ->andWhere(['<=',  'date_from',  'reverseEndDate']);

And then would JOIN (join with valid category) on this relation.
NULL are eliminated automatically
$certifications = Certification::find()
            ->joinWith(['user', 'profile', 'validCategory'])
            ->andWhere([User::tableName().'.status' => User::STATUS_ACTIVE])
            ->andWhere('CONCAT_WS(" ", '.Profile::tableName().'.last_name, '.Profile::tableName().'.name, '.Profile::tableName().'.middle_name) LIKE :search')
            ->params([':search' => '%' . $search . '%'])
            ->orderBy([Profile::tableName().'.last_name' => 'SORT_ASC', Profile::tableName().'.name' => 'SORT_ASC'])
            #->isValid() //?? метод из модели CertificationQuery уже не нужен

Andrey, 2018-09-20

pass an instance of the model to ActiveQuery. there something from $this is taken, so a simple (new Certification())->getReverseEndDate() won't work.
but in general, IMHO, there should not be logic in models, all logic should be in their Query ...

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