SashaN692020-07-20 12:11:30
SashaN69, 2020-07-20 12:11:30

How to request input from user in TG bot?

How can I implement input from a user of type input in python? I need the user to send data to the bot, click on the button and this data is sent to the database. I tried a lot of things but nothing worked (

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Boronnikov, 2020-07-20

So just read the content of the message that comes to the bot from the user in the chat. Why not input?
Here is an example of an echo bot . See how the incoming message is processed there:

def repeat_all_messages(message): # Название функции не играет никакой роли, в принципе
    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, message.text) #message.text - это сообщение, которое получает сервер. Его и обрабатывай

Angelex, 2020-07-20

Use states. Example

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