ni_whale_a2020-05-04 07:54:04
ni_whale_a, 2020-05-04 07:54:04

How to rename files on windows 10 to part of their path?

There is a folder in which a bunch of other folders. These folders store shortcuts to mp4 files that are in one place. Labels in different folders can be from the same file: for example, in the com\list\din folder there is a shortcut to the 1.mp4 file, which is stored in the com\files folder, and in the com\home folder there is a link to the same file. It is necessary to rename the source file in the com\files folder so that all the names of the folders in which the labels of this file are in the name, i.e. 1.mp4 should become list\din_home.mp4. The order of the folders in the name is not important. Thanks in advance)

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1 answer(s)
Yan, 2020-05-04

the symbol "\" cannot be in the file name
So you have to replace it with "_"
Google script for mass renaming of files
Or through total commander> mass renaming of files and write whatever you want

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