Roman2015-04-15 22:46:19
Search Engine Optimization
Roman, 2015-04-15 22:46:19

How to remove links to .php and .js files from Google results?

Site on Wordpress. .php and .js files got into Google's additional issue
Until January of this year, robots.txt and the meta tag were configured haphazardly. In January, I set up the site according to the article Alaich 'a:
It is written in robots.txt:

User-agent: *
Allow: /wp-content/uploads
Disallow: /wp-
Host: site.com
Sitemap: http://site.com.xml

Functions.php says:
/* Robots */
function meta_robots () {
if (get_query_var('cpage') or is_archive() or is_category() or is_feed () or is_author() or is_date() or is_day() or is_month() or is_year() or is_tag() or is_tax() or is_attachment() or is_paged() or is_search()) 
echo "".'<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />'."\n";}
add_action('wp_head', 'meta_robots'); 

Please give me advice, in particular, tell me how to get rid of .php and .js files and how to speed up the removal of unnecessary pages (archives, categories, ...) from additional output.
Thank you for your reply.

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1 answer(s)
Vladislav Yanovsky, 2015-04-15

Well, except to password-protect directories, but why?
Perhaps the robot has not had time to scan everything yet.
Alternatively, in the webmaster panel, try to view as Googlebot the pages that need to be kicked out of the index. Then the robot will see the meta tag and, perhaps, follow the recommendations faster.

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