Denai2015-02-01 21:03:52
Denai, 2015-02-01 21:03:52

How to remove/get parameters from XML?

We take a file like this:

<offer id="17" available="true">
<name>тестовый элемент</name>
<param name="Вес">27</param>
<param name="Длина">16</param>
<param name="Хрупкий"/>
<param name="Синий">Да</param>
<offer id="18" available="false">
<name>тестовый элемент2</name>
<param name="Вес">11</param>
<param name="Длина">89</param>
<param name="Жидкий"/>
<param name="Синий">Нет</param>

I am uploading a file:
$ourfile = simplexml_load_file($name, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOBLANKS);

In it I can refer to the element, for example, remove the link I don’t need
foreach ($ourfile->offers->offer as $offer) {unset($offer->url);}

Or display / replace the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat I need. But with "param" I'm doing something wrong.
$offer->param["name"] - displays the name of the parameter, I mastered it.
I need:
  • Remove parameter where length is specified
  • Output weight to variable
  • Find out if it's fragile

Actually I would like to know how to do it right.

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2 answer(s)
DevMan, 2015-02-02

You need XPath .
Gaining weight:
Then I think you can do it yourself.

Sergey, 2019-05-16

foreach ($item->param as $param){
$param = (array)$param;

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