Alexander Gontarev2014-07-06 11:57:10
Alexander Gontarev, 2014-07-06 11:57:10

How to remove escaping in sql query in ZF2?

Actually, the problem is that the output is a query with escaping all field names, aliases, etc., and this does not allow adding a new value at the output.
What it's about:
an example request in zf2

$sql = new Sql(<адаптер>);
$select = $sql
                ->from(array('v' => 'video'))

the output will be something like:
SELECT `v`.`id`, `v`.`title` FROM `video` AS `v`
But if it becomes necessary to add a new value to the select'video' AS 'cat'
->columns(array('id','title', "'cat'" => "'video'"))
- you can not do it this way.
ZF2 escapes these values ​​along with the quotes, which is an error because trying to find the field "cat" in the database
how to generate a query correctly so that these values ​​​​are not escaped?
SELECT `v`.`id`, `v`.`title`, 'video' AS 'cat' FROM `video` AS `v`
- what should be the output

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2 answer(s)
yvm, 2014-07-15

  'cat' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('video'),


Alexander Gontarev, 2014-07-06

this problem can be solved by adding a method
however this is not the solution to all escaping difficulties, are there any other solutions?

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