ivangorchakov2015-06-04 23:14:17
ivangorchakov, 2015-06-04 23:14:17

How to remove an error when choosing a device in avd manager?

How to remove this error? Tell me what is it?
D:\Android\sdk\tools\emulator.exe -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_4_API_19
emulator: WARNING: Ignoring invalid SDCard path: C:\Users\РџРѕР»Сзователь\.android\ avd\Nexus_4_API_19.avd\sdcard.img
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!

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1 answer(s)
Lev Davydov, 2016-03-25

Well, the easiest option is to simply move the Nexus_4_API_19.avd folder, which is located here
to another place where there will be no Cyrillic folder names, for example, like this path:
After that, edit the Nexus_4_API_19.avd.ini file (which is on the C: drive in the .android folder). You change all the paths leading to the folder that we moved to 'D:\androidavd\Nexus_4_API_19.avd'.
In addition, in all ini files in the 'D:\androidavd\Nexus_4_API_19.avd' folder, you also edit the paths. And everything works.
It helped me personally.

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