WebDeveloper20162016-11-16 14:30:28
WebDeveloper2016, 2016-11-16 14:30:28

How to remove a migration?

I accidentally made a bad migration and now I don't know how to delete it. :( That is, as if the migration had not yet passed, I just did makemigrations. It created the migration, but when migrating was called, it threw an error (I accidentally set the date field to an empty string by default). I fixed it and did makemigrations and migrate again, but it now continues to complain about that error on the migrate command.How to rollback that migration?

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Kuts, 2016-11-16

manage.py showmigrations
check if your migration installed. If not installed, then simply delete the file of this migration and create it again
Roll back to a certain previous migration:
(after that files of later migrations can be deleted)

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