@atambalasi2015-12-14 09:17:31
@atambalasi, 2015-12-14 09:17:31

How to register routes?

For the purposes of practice, I implement routing. I can't solve one problem.
There is a file in it that registers routes

use Core\Http\RouteRegister;

Route::get('/ma', '[email protected]');
Route::get('/admin/add/video/google/high/:cat_id/:video_id/:auth', '[email protected]');

Here is the Route class
namespace Core\Http;

use Core\Http\RouteRegister;

class Route
  public $url;
  public $route;
  private $generedRoute;
  private $className;
  private $action;
  private $paramsCount;
  private $paramsCountRoute;
  private $slashCount;
  private $slashCountUrl;
  private $params = null;
  public static function initRoute($route, $classAction)
    $init = new Route();
    $init->route = $route;
    //$init->className = $classAction;
    $init->url = $init->getURL();
    $init->slashCount = $init->getParamsAndSlashesCount('slash');
    $init->slashCountUrl = $init->getParamsAndSlashesCount('slash_url');
    $init->paramsCount = $init->getParamsAndSlashesCount();
    $init->generedRoute = $init->getGeneredUrl();
    $init->params = $init->getParams();
    $init->paramsCountRoute = $init->getParamsNameFromRoute(true);
    /*$regiter = new RouteRegister();
    $register->url = $init->url;
    $regiter->route = $init->route;
    $regiter->classAction = $classAction;*/
    return $init;
  public static function get($route, $classAction)
    $init = self::initRoute($route, $classAction);
    if(($init->slashCount + 1) == $init->slashCountUrl)
      $init->slashCountUrl = $init->slashCountUrl - 1;
    }elseif(($init->slashCount - 1) == $init->slashCountUrl)
      $init->slashCountUrl = $init->slashCountUrl + 1;
    echo $init->url . "<br>";
    echo $init->generedRoute;
    if( $init->url == $init->generedRoute /*&& $init->slashCount == $init->slashCountUrl*/)
       $tempArray = explode("@", $classAction);
       $className = $tempArray[0];
       $action = $tempArray[1];
       $cls =   'Controllers\\' . $className ;
       $obj = new $cls;
      //echo "The route as " . $init->url;
      echo "<h1> NOT FOUND </h1>";
    /*for($i=0; $i < count($paramsArray); $i++)
      if($i == 0)
        $params[$paramsArray[$i]] = $paramsArray[$i + 1];
      }elseif($i%2 == 0)
        $params[$paramsArray[$i]] = $paramsArray[$i + 1];
  public function getParams()
    $paramsArray = $this->getParamsArray();
    $paramsCount = $this->getParamsAndSlashesCount();
    $keyName 	 = $this->getParamsNameFromRoute();
    $params 	 = [];

    for($i=0; $i < $this->paramsCount; $i++)
      if(!isset($paramsArray[$i]) || empty($paramsArray[$i])) 
        echo "<h3 style='color:red'> You lost param!! Created route " . $this->route . "<h3>";
        echo "<h3 style='color:red'> Your url: " . $this->url . "<h3>";
      $params[$keyName[0][$i]] = $paramsArray[$i];
    return $params;
  public function getGeneredUrl()
    $url = $this->getURL();
    $paramsArray = $this->getParamsArray();
    $countSlashes = $this->getParamsAndSlashesCount('slash');
    $paramsCount = $this->getParamsAndSlashesCount();
    if($paramsCount == 0)
      return $url;
      $routeArray = explode('/', $this->route);
      $generedURLArray = array_slice($routeArray, 0, ($countSlashes - $this->paramsCount) + 1);
      array_push($generedURLArray, implode('/', $paramsArray));
      return  implode('/', $generedURLArray);

  public function getParamsArray()
    $countSlashes = $this->getParamsAndSlashesCount('slash');
    $paramsCount = $this->getParamsAndSlashesCount();
    $urlArray = explode('/', $this->url);
    $paramsArray = array_slice($urlArray, ($countSlashes - $this->paramsCount) + 1);
    //echo count($paramsArray);
    return $paramsArray;
  public function getURL()
    return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  public function getParamsAndSlashesCount($which = 'params')
    if($which == 'params')
      return preg_match_all("/(:)\w+/", $this->route, $out);
    }elseif($which == 'slash')
      return 	preg_match_all("/\//", $this->route);
    }elseif($which == 'slash_url')
      return 	preg_match_all("/\//", $this->url);
  public function getParamsNameFromRoute($count = false)
      preg_match_all("/(:)\w+/", $this->route, $out);
      return $out;
      return preg_match_all("/(:)\w+/", $this->route);

Here is the index file. Here I include the routes.php file
require_once '../core/autoload.php';
require_once '../core/routes.php';

use Models\Users;
use Controllers\Controller;
use Core\Http\RouteRegister;

The router class defines the requested page.
> hooks controller classes
> creates instances of page controllers and invokes the actions of those controllers.
But it will call all the routes from the routes.php file. He must do so. Because I include the routes.php file in index.php and pass the get method call as many routes as defined in the file. And how to register routes so that only the route I need is called. That is, for example, I type
site.loc/ma in the address and
now it calls bigTester and test actions.
I need the call to be only bigTester.

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