mazahaler2019-10-19 16:30:24
mazahaler, 2019-10-19 16:30:24

How to refactor computed methods in Vue?

Hello, how can I "refactor" this?

computed: {
            strengthHeroes() {
                return this.heroes.filter(hero => {
                    return hero.hero_attribute === 'Сила' && hero.name.toLowerCase().includes(this.searchHeroesString.toLowerCase())
            agilityHeroes() {
                return this.heroes.filter(hero => {
                    return hero.hero_attribute === 'Ловкость' && hero.name.toLowerCase().includes(this.searchHeroesString.toLowerCase())
            intelligenceHeroes() {
                return this.heroes.filter(hero => {
                    return hero.hero_attribute === 'Интеллект' && hero.name.toLowerCase().includes(this.searchHeroesString.toLowerCase())

It would be great if you could pass parameters to computed properties, then 1 method would come out of it. And now I look at this, and in my head it starts "you repeat the same code, you repeat the same code ..."
Can this code be shortened somehow, while leaving the methods in computed?

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2 answer(s)
0xD34F, 2019-10-19

pass parameters <...> leaving computed

What about the meaning? There will be a computed property whose value is a function. No caching, just code complexity. Do the usual method:
methods: {
  filterHeroes(attr) {
    const s = this.searchHeroesString.toLowerCase();
    return this.heroes.filter(n => n.hero_attribute === attr && n.name.toLowerCase().includes(s));

mazahaler, 2019-10-19

Just did the usual method instead of all that. My heart felt lighter.

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