Stanislav2017-12-18 08:31:23
Stanislav, 2017-12-18 08:31:23

How to reduce page generation time (PUG)?

Heavy queries from mongodb after optimization take only 5-8ms, during which time they form an object and spit it out from the server. How happy I was)
But after I connected the rendering of the template through pug, the page time increased to 120-150ms, which is 25 times longer =(
Maybe there are some faster solutions? Or generate HTML on the server by making some kind of your template engine?

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1 answer(s)
oh, 2017-12-18
well @AnneSmith

such a thing appeared a few years ago, but did not take off
gryat renders just in years, but, apparently, they were created too early, not everyone has it
easier yet there are templating engines like {{ mustache }} - it
still works for different languages you can generate all the html in advance, and then overlay content from json on the client

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