GeorgeRedis2017-04-26 07:13:04
Data recovery
GeorgeRedis, 2017-04-26 07:13:04

How to recover the lost space of a flash drive?

Hello, I have a flash drive "Kingston DataTraveler G3 32Gb 2.0 PMAP" which will be discussed in this topic.
Flash media life:

  • Used 1-2 years;
  • Number of formattings ~ 8;
  • Number of unsafe extractions after uses < 20%
  • Using flash media as file space for swap file - no;
  • Place of purchase - nix (the leader in the sale of digital equipment, and not a store selling goods with aliexpress);
  • The presence of a twin brother - yes, they were bought at the same moment.

Background: ---------------------- ---------------- ------- ------- Section 1 Main 8160 Kb 31 Kb
After installing the system from a flash drive, they decided to move the laptop to another table, and accidentally pulled out the flash drive of which the user settings data transfer files were copied at that time.
After connecting the flash drive to another computer, she asked to format herself, foolishly decided to listen to windows in some faith and format it. After that, only one 8MB partition remained on it and nothing more.
Information about the flash drive from the command line.
b9b55953b21546a5a9b37d8568e917a1.PNGDISKPART> list disk
Disk ### Status Size Free Din GPT
-------- ------------- ------- ------- -- - ---
Disk 1 Online 8 MB 0 byte
DISKPART> list part
Partition ### Type Size Offset
DISKPART> list volume
Volume ### Name FS Label Type Size Status Details
---------- --- ----------- ----- ------ ---- ------- --------- -------- Removable
8160 Kb Good
Size 8 MB (16384 Sectors
old workspace (I don't want to restore data on it).

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