David2019-12-07 16:48:07
Video broadcast
David, 2019-12-07 16:48:07

How to record video games in mp4 on a weak PC, for example?

I wrote real-time
video games on a powerful PC in real time ...
But I don’t know software for a weak PC ...

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2 answer(s)
David, 2019-12-07

It turns out that the simplest of all
is just fraps (under windows), there are broken versions of 2019. and stable,
(there are few Russified stable ones)
but 1 GB per minute! and everything is in chocolate (especially if it’s on a separate screw or flash drive)
and the graphics in the game are at a minimum, it’s
not bad to defragment the disk with the game and windows and where to write the video file
, and remove antiviruses and stop or freeze unnecessary services.
though earlier there were even video cards with video output ..

Alexander, 2019-12-07

Yes, anything - vseravno will lag.

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