myxasa2017-06-14 10:18:47
myxasa, 2017-06-14 10:18:47

How to record calls from a remote PBX?

There are many virtual PBXs on the Internet.
Each employee is assigned sip data from a random PBX
in crm. How to record calls in our crm?
if we take our automatic telephone exchange, then everything is clear there - where does the file come from to pull out the call.
But other PBX apis are unlikely to have anything else. which is better?
To put local automatic telephone exchange and external sip data to use as trunks?

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3 answer(s)
Ivan Baidin, 2017-06-14

>> To put local automatic telephone exchange and external sip data to use as trunks?

Vasily Loktev, 2017-06-18

And this PBX also has a similar opportunity.

Pirx82, 2017-07-19

zadarma has a free recording of conversations in ATC, if you can buy additional space in the cloud for storage, here is what they have written in the fake https://zadarma.com/en/support/faq/pbx/how_to_reco...

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