blabs2016-09-01 19:50:54
blabs, 2016-09-01 19:50:54

How to record a user ID in Google Analytics and assign certain results to it?

The site is visited by 30k users per day. On the site, users perform certain actions and achieve certain goals. Each user has their own ID. We record all data in a database. We plan to additionally record data for each user in GA along with its identifier and results.
Can you tell me how to record user data (identifier, results achieved) in GA with the possibility of further data analysis for all users and a specific user?

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2 answer(s)
Nikolai Glushkov, 2016-09-02

To do this, you can use the user parameters

Guzel Sharafutdinova, 2016-09-02

You can send user id to GA (what is written here https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/312366 ... ​​) -analytics If you want to send offline activity data to GA, you can use the Measurement Protocol https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/... It can be used to pass user, client, and activity IDs.

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