Vitaly2017-03-14 12:43:54
Career in IT
Vitaly, 2017-03-14 12:43:54

How to recognize a company (galley) that makes shitty WordPress sites?

Hi all! The question of a change of job has ripened, I have already told the authorities "that I'm fed up with this office of the eternal deadline and the position of wordpress-monkey" ... I'm dumping from a sinking ship :) .
Question : How not to get into a company again, where:
- Shitty sites on Wordpress are riveted;
- There is not a single developer at least at the middle level;
- For 3 developers 5 PM (project managers), 2 accountants 1 lawyer.
- The development is completely built on a pipeline basis, where only CMSs and plugins are used to get at least a little closer to the desired functionality of the site;
- PMs (project managers) have no idea what they are selling and how development processes are built.
- Bosses do not listen to subordinates;
- Salary below average;
- New employees are recruited only according to the principle: "let him work for food, and then we'll see";
- Constant staff turnover;
- There are no normal conditions for work (it is hot in summer, cold in winter, coffee is your own, the chair breaks up, the computer slows down);
I ask for advice, who has already worked a lot where, seen a lot, how to recognize a galley with the above characteristics, do not want to step on the same rake again? Thank you!

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9 answer(s)
Sergey Goryachev, 2017-03-14

Well, you know...
If you can't identify the top company in your area, then you're probably on your way to a sinking ship.

ThunderCat, 2017-03-14

- The office gives requirements to the candidate, for example, laravel / symphony, not vp / jummla;
- Recruit mids and juniors;
- you can’t predict anything about the composition of the company, but you can call and ask - what kind of team, how many colleagues will I have, will someone experienced help the junior.
- Here again, the requirements for the candidate help, plus look at the portfolio of the company, on which everything is written on them.
- PM is a lottery, xs how to predict what will happen to them, fat offices often part with bad ones quickly.
- The authorities never listen to their subordinates, some are simply competent enough for this, the rest are stupid.
- Salary is a discussed issue, so you can easily find out during the interview;
- not to work for food is your right, again - look at the situation;
- If the job site constantly hangs job advertisements from the company, then either the requirements are strong. or a turnover, here it’s already necessary to look at who they have there, if the mids / seniors are the norm, you still need to look for normal ones, if the juniors are most likely a turnover, but here everything is debatable and not transparent. If the office is local, there will surely be acquaintances of acquaintances who know someone there. You can scout the situation in advance.
- Immediately ask - how are you with the conditions? Where is the office? How about cookies? how are the cars?
In short, 80 percent of the questions can be asked directly on the forehead, save both yourself and them time. A good employer will perceive your questions as a goal for growth, a bad one will understand that you "think a lot about yourself" and will not contact you.

Alexander, 2017-03-14

Be a good coder and then you won't be where you are now.

alex maslakoff, 2017-03-14

I think that if the director for an interview in a new office asks you for money in loans, then you should not go there. everything else - as lucky.

BBmike, 2017-03-14

Author, when you were hired by this company, were you hired as a leading specialist in distributed computing or a riveter-comber of websites on the WP?

Vasya Petrov, 2017-03-14

Yes Easy! You compose your test with questions more difficult than the middle one, adding the list that you wrote in the question and giving it to the company's management. If they pass, go to the galleys with them.

HellWalk, 2017-03-16

In addition to the options mentioned above:
- At the interview, ask how many programmers-developers the company has. The more of them, the better. And vice versa, respectively.
- before writing a response to a vacancy - look at the reviews about this company (I will not give a link to any of them - it's not difficult to find -> "job reviews" in the search).
If the company is large, but there are no negative reviews, or there are few of them, then you can get a job.

Denis Fedorets, 2017-04-05

First of all, exhale and take a week to walk along the spring streets and do pleasant things. I'm serious. The text shows resentment and disappointment, and it is bad to make long-term decisions on emotions.

puloparaf, 2017-06-15

Just ask.
If you really are such a qualified pepper that not a shitty office will gladly take you, then most likely those will talk to you. dir or the like. Ask him for the whole organization of work in their company.
People love to talk about themselves. He will gladly tell you how everything is arranged.
Your pessimism is not clear at all: getting a job is a symmetrical assessment, an estimate and a mark-up. The firm evaluates whether this employee is suitable for it, asks questions. The employee can also ask questions to the firm.
I don't understand what is the problem?

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