smetannicPum2021-11-28 01:22:46
smetannicPum, 2021-11-28 01:22:46

How to read swagger documentation from yaml file?

I have a small spring boot application and I want to create documentation for it in a yaml file and refer to it. To do this, I created a config class:

public class SwaggerSpecConfig {

public SwaggerResourcesProvider swaggerResourcesProvider(InMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider defaultResourcesProvider) {
    return () -> {
        SwaggerResource wsResource = new SwaggerResource();
        wsResource.setName("Bank Swagger Spec");

        List<SwaggerResource> resources = new ArrayList<>(defaultResourcesProvider.get());
        return resources;

Added a dependency file to the pom:



The swagger file is on the path:

When I start, I get an error: sp1Mc.png

What could be the problem?
I’ll say in advance that the application starts normally and creates auto-documentation without any problems, but there is an error with reading

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