Marat Nagayev2021-07-13 23:03:40
Marat Nagayev, 2021-07-13 23:03:40

How to read from stdout of another process in linux api?

There is the following code on WinApi:

std::string getResponseFromEngine(position)
    WriteFile(pipin_w, position.c_str(), position.length(),&writ, NULL);
    PeekNamedPipe(pipout_r, buffer,sizeof(buffer), &read, &available, NULL);   
        ZeroMemory(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
        if(!ReadFile(pipout_r, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, NULL) || !read) break; 
        buffer[read] = 0;    
    while(read >= sizeof(buffer));
    return str;

How can it be replaced by analogues in linux api?
The situation is as follows: there is a running application and it is necessary to send information to its stdin and read from stdout.

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2 answer(s)
Stanislav Makarov, 2021-07-13

Capture the output of a child process in C
I think the same can be done for stdin.

res2001, 2021-07-14

In Linux, there are named and unnamed pipes in the same way, the API, of course, is different, but the essence does not change.

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