Eugene2018-07-06 20:03:43
Google Analytics
Eugene, 2018-07-06 20:03:43

How to quickly set up Funnel Tracking for Wizard?

Hello colleagues.
I have a wizard on the page (this is when the form is broken into steps-slides).
I want to measure at what step of the wizard the visitor falls off.
I use this script for the wizard - https://github.com/oguzhanoya/jquery-steps
And here is the HTML form code:

  <div class="step-app">

    <!--Слайды визарда-->
    <ul class="step-steps ipsBox ipsBox_transparent">
      <li><a href="#tab0"></a></li>
      <li><a href="#tab1"></a></li>

    <ul class="step-content">

     <li id="tab0">
      Слайд 1

    <li id="tab1">
      Слайд 2



<!--Кнопки переключения между слайдами визарда-->
<div class="step-footer">
  <button data-direction="prev" >Назад</button>
  <button data-direction="next" >Далее</button>


I set the event to send the form without any problems, but how can I track the steps in Metrics and Analytics, given that the number of #tab* is not known in advance. There can be as many steps as you like, and I need to know at which step the visitor falls off on a particular page.
Please tell me how to solve this problem once and for all.

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