Oligophren2015-01-01 12:18:28
Oligophren, 2015-01-01 12:18:28

How to quickly develop in Java?

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I study PHP and for fast development I really like working with frameworks (Yii2, Laravel), it turns out to quickly bring the idea to life. At the same time I am learning Java, I really like the language, but writing the same thing, it takes much more time in Java, in this regard, the question is: are there tools for the same rapid development of web applications as with php frameworks? Or am I misunderstanding Java philosophy?

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4 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2015-01-01

but writing the same thing in Java takes many times more time, in connection with this the question is: are there tools for the same rapid development of web applications as with php frameworks?
There is.
Spring, Symfony PHP framework is similar to it. https://spring.io/
Play will be more like Yii or Laravel. https://www.playframework.com
I do not develop in Java myself, but I looked at examples from the documentation of these frameworks.

Zakharov Alexander, 2015-01-02

There is another "thin-thick" moment. When developing a Java web-app, you very often find yourself in a situation where, due to a change in even one comma (even in the HTML client), you have to rebuild the entire project, which can take 2-3 minutes or even half an hour. PHP doesn't have this problem. In principle, this is very annoying for Java developers. I looked at different ways, but so far I have found only one more or less acceptable JRebel, but it is paid.

svd71, 2015-01-01

php originates from functional programming, Java was originally designed to be object oriented. It's all just a difference in syntax.
Just because you're using framework implementations from one language doesn't mean it can't be done in another language. Translate frameworks from one to another and there will be happiness.
Of course, not everything is so curly and cloudless. PHP scripting language. It releases all memory after session execution. Java is very tightly integrated with the operating system for resource management, and so you have to take care of at least memory consumption. The simplest difference is working with arrays. In PHP, it is simplified and exaggerated. In Java, in addition to the usual arrays that need to be handled less frivolously than in PHP, there are separate classes such as Array, Vector, Map, List and combinations of them. Moreover, each type is better to use for a specific purpose.
So Java philosophy is out of the question here.

angry_cellophane, 2016-01-08

Spring Boot

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