lapsa2014-01-24 10:04:29
Computer networks
lapsa, 2014-01-24 10:04:29

How to protect yourself from sites?

It is necessary to protect yourself during working hours from distracting sites for a certain period of time, that is, to be able to set an access schedule to a specific resource and at the same time block other resources altogether. I found a bunch of programs on the Internet:
WebLock (free) - there is no possibility of specific settings for individual resources, either everyone from the list will be blocked or everyone obeys the same schedule - Computer timer does not work (partially free) - you cannot set a password for control - TMeter ( free) does not work - does not filter HTTPS - does not fit "StayFocusd" Chrome plugin (free) - cannot set a password and can be easily disabled with one button -

host file does not fit (free) - easy to bypass - does not fit
Router settings (free) - again does not work with HTTPS - ContentWasher does not fit (paid) - and its paid minus, but for the wallet it is minus -1000r - not suitable What advise?

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6 answer(s)
Yuri Lobanov, 2014-01-24

I advise you to train willpower. What kind of nonsense - will you ask a third-party person to enter a password? And if you enter the password yourself, then what is the point of any of the programs, it’s really better to register in hosts.
Advice to you (for free) - change jobs, I'm at work or I don't have time for third-party resources (like a toaster :-) ), or there are no problems, because if I'm here, then everything is ok with work.

jane jane, 2014-01-24

I tried the router settings.
But then I caught myself on hideme...
Here.. bypasses it perfectly through anonymous proxies..

Nikolai Vasilchuk, 2014-01-24

There will be no sites, you will play the headscarf.
You are just bored. Look for interesting tasks or change jobs.

Sergey, 2014-01-25

Meet a nymphomaniac girl. Believe that you will not need sites. God forbid the working day is stupid to survive and then survive until the moment of sleep =D

Luchsolncha, 2014-01-26

there is such a program called Internet lock paid but on the rutrek it is

Kyberman, 2014-01-26

There is also a plugin for Firefox - LeechBlock. It allows you to configure several lists of sites to block and block browser extension settings in such a way that it becomes quite difficult to disable it. But still, apart from self-control, nothing will help.

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